
only the young die young

Waylon Fucking Jennings

Kevin Hayes Photography

Dido Fontana Photography


 This is SO gewd.  ghetto beats to grind to. 
so much funnnn   "get chu upset like ah bad bad of weed..."
but tell me::

am I making bad choices? 
do i know what is coming? 
i think I do. 
but it doesnt matter 'til I hear it from someone else
'til its to late. 


here are some randoms that I have been listening too a lot this week.

Orchard Thief::work
They are chill.eee. summertime with a glass of lemonade or sleepyhead face laying in bed on a cloudy day.
Most people I share them with enjoy them. A slam dunk for sure.

If you want it then TAKE it

and then there is classic Smiths::Hatful of Hollow
we all know them. I dont think I need to say much. but I do just wanna say the first song on here
"This night has Opened my Eyes" everytime I put this CD on and here it Im just like GOSH I LOVE THEM!

and we all LOVE
  Electric Wizard Dopethrone


(via uuiuu)

what IF I could just turn it all off.
all the weird ideas
all the paranoid thoughts
what IF I could just
have tan skin and blond hair and blue eyes and all that normal stuff that goes with being cool
I think I would hate myself

for reals.
ok but seriously
I am doing things that I feel will in the near future be disappointing
I am a smart girl and I am pretty good and picking up vibes true to the reality of situations
right now I am ignoring them and going after what I want regardless of the red flags I keep tripping over.

BIG SIGH:: we'll see.
and even if it does end up sucking for me.
Oh well.
in 100 years it will not matter.
I am sure of it.

.....or am I?