sick in bed on a friday! LAME but its all alright because:::::
ok got some cool stuff to share!!
A dear friend of mine :: Matt Willett :: (love you friend!) is a dj on a pirate radio station in Buffalo NY called 94.9 WTF radio. You can catch him late night under the alias Dj Anonymosh. but him telling me about this led me to look into it. Initially I was just trying to find some recordings of his show so I could hear him and what he has been playing but happily it led me to this:
Its pretty freaking cool! There is a playlist posted on the right hand side of the blog with a bunch of cool music that I have never heard of before.
OMFG im seriously loosing my mind over this. goin gaga. slajfowtsafdkws
haha. but for reals do it!
some bands that I found through it thus far:
Artic Death
Love Scenes
Neon Hitch
and there is like so many more. and you can listen to all of these bands on the blog. right now! so go. :) I am listening while I am typing this. just switching back and forth between tabs. so I am sharing as I am learning and o wow. so neat.

I LOVE the west coast. but I am still very curious about the EAST!
and excuse me if these^ are old news but I dont have cable so I am left to my own devices to find stuff to listen to. so dont hate on me OK!
which leads me to another thought:.
my friend Logan and I were talking about how mean and aggressive people in the American scene are. Like they are all really territorial over trends and looks and music and art and everthing like "this is mine. I started it. I am real and everyone else is a fake fake phony poser" and well. we just think its sad and dumb because so long as you like/love/adore/feel it then it doesnt matter. fashion and noise is always coming and going. there is no secret club. it belongs to no one. and at this point
I am pretty sure anything we do over here London and Japan and a handful of other places have been doing for a way long time. so Lose the 'tude dudes!
it just makes you look insecure and sucky. BLAAH. I HATE YOU OVER AGGRESIVE BIKE RIDE'N VEGAN TATTOOED XXX GAGED EAR RAT TAIL THICK RIMMED GLASSES fuckers who think you started everything. its all just
A) for a good cause
B) for a good time
C)just for fun. and none of those things needs to me guarded and kept from being shared so suck it fucktards you dont own it. you just wish you did because you know that you are just doing what you saw your older brother do back in tha day and you dont want people to know that you didnt think of it yourself. ugh. but apart of everything I am saying right now is contradicting a small part of my point. so just never mind. forget it. i dont know how to properly say what I mean. shh.

its not a fucking cult that only special people can be in so get over it.