I love SALEM so much.
they are my favorite thing happening in the art world right now.
If you are not familiar:
They are a band.
...band..i dont know if that is the right word.
They make music. and it is amazing. on every level possible.
I think they are better then
sorrysorrysorrry.getting off subject.
So here is SALEM (kinda):
Salem is John Holland Jack Donoghue and Heather Marlatt( or is it Marlott?)
John used to be a speedballen crackhead and prostitute
while Jack and Heather are are school kids
the trio is from michigan/chicago
influenced by Hip-hop, Juke, Death Metal and Classical
Bleakness and Darkness is what threads it all together
by darkness I mean both the literal sense of being in the dark as well as dark as in scary morbid twisted
Alot of writers try to put them in the Goth catagory but I dont think they like that and I understand why.
but by Goth if it is to mean Gothic as in the style that came into style around the time Maccbeth and what not, I think it is a completely suitable label. but if by goth they intend the newer 21st century marilyn manson freak show shit....nah. not reallly.....freak show..um actually ya. that could work too. but me freak is a bit harsh. i would rather call it real. or maybe freaky but not freak.
ok enough. if you want to know more you can read a bunch of their interviews at:
when your there^ :
click on music and in white script it lists the names of some songs under a black triangle. click those. or click POP OUT PLAYER (duh) My favorite song on there is piggyhog but I think they have all been my favorite at one point.
honestly I have never heard music that made me feel so good in my life. Literally like Im on some sort of drug. SALEM's music makes me feel a million things that I cannot even describe.. and they get into the dark parts of my head that I try to avoid. but with them it doesnt scare me. It just makes me feel alive. and ok. numb. maybe? I dont know. It makes me feel like sinking into the ground
or french kissing
or nothing
really though. i think it is important to listen to the music without watching the videos to go with them as well. Let your mind make up its own thoughts images emotions to go along with the sound.
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